The Different Types of Electrical Contractors

In the dynamic field of electrical contracting, there are three main types of electrical contractors you’re likely to encounter: Inside Electrical, Outside or Line Contractors, and Integrated Building Systems (IBS) or Voice/Data/Video (VDV) Electrical Contractors. Each type specialises in a unique facet of electrical work, with Inside Contractors focusing on interior electrical systems, Outside Contractors handling high-voltage power transmission and distribution, and IBS or VDV contractors dealing with low-voltage systems like data cabling, security systems, and more. Understanding these distinctions is crucial when it comes to selecting the right contractor for your specific electrical needs.

Electrician working in a house

Types of Electrical Contractors

1. Inside Electrical Contractors

These are the electrician professionals who work ‘inside’ your properties. Key points include:

  • Working in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings
  • Handling installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems
  • Specialising in tasks like rewiring, new installations, and troubleshooting

Inside electrical contractors ensure that the electrical systems within our buildings are running efficiently and safely. They may work for commercial buildings or residential.

2. Outside or Line Contractors

Outside contractors are the ones who handle the high-voltage power transmission and distribution lines. Key responsibilities include:

  • Working with power plants and electric utility companies
  • Handling installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical infrastructures
  • Ensuring the efficient transmission of electricity from power plants to end-users

These are the people ensuring that electricity reaches our homes from the power plants without any hiccups.

3. Integrated Building Systems (IBS) or Voice/Data/Video (VDV) Electrical Contractors

Man working on a Integrated Building Systems

The IBS or VDV contractors handle the low-voltage systems. Key areas of their work include:

  • Data cabling, wireless networks, and telecommunications
  • Security systems, fibre optics, and energy-saving systems
  • Back-up power systems and more

These contractors work with technology and systems that keep our digital lives running smoothly.

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